An Open Letter To My Six Year Old

Dear Six Year Old,

I write these things because I want to remember them. If I could bottle you up right now and never let you grow, I would in a heartbeat. It literally pains me to know that each passing day is a day that you are getting older. But with each day you are also getting more wise, more beautiful, and more self-aware. 

I love that you have "found your voice", even if that means yelling at me because I've asked you four times already to feed the dog. I love that you play dress up….46 times a day. I love that you watch me do my makeup most mornings and ask "when I'm your age, I want to play with pretty makeup, too." 

I love when you first wake up and your tired little voice says "good morning", followed by a hug that comes every morning like clock work. I love when I get off work and you come running to the door because you know I'm home, quickly followed by "what's for dinner?" And no matter what I say it is, you respond with "I don't like that!" I love you for that, I really really do. 

You have lost your two front teeth at six and I could sit and talk to you all day long. Your lisp right now is the cutest. You have also gained a lot of confidence since turning six. You love to sing and dance and I just know you feel the music to your core. You are a free spirit and I love that about you. 

I love doing prayers with you every night, even if for the past year you have prayed for TWO things….a dog that passed away and our babysitter with cancer. Speaking of Crystal, our beloved babysitter, you have such a heart for her and it makes me cry every time. Shopping in the grocery store you wanted to buy Crystal flowers "just because I think it will make her happy". On the way to her house you explained to me that "even though flowers will die, we have our memories which we can look back on that make us smile." You my sweet child have a heart of gold. 
You really, really do. 

You have a heart of gold. A sweeter spirit than anyone I know. A smile that could light up a room. A laugh that is contagious. A hug that heals. A passion for life bigger than most adults I know. You make me proud. 

I love when I say "my back hurts" and you jump up to "give it rubs", even if its just tiny little fingers scratching my back. You know just how to make me smile. 

My sweet girl, I love you. I hope you never ever forget or question that. We say "I love you" 4,392 times a day, but I hope you never forget that I truly love you more than anything in this world. 

I love you at six. 

Mom of a Six Year Old

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