How To: The Perfect Patty

Sometimes there are people who can whip up the perfect hamburger concoction, form it into perfect little circles, and grill them up like a boss. 
I am not one of those people. 
And if you aren't either, this is the perfect post for you!!

Tuesday night we decided to grill up some burgers for dinner. I had bought ground meat and thought to myself, "how hard could making a burger be?" Until I realized I had no clue what I was doing. But alas, I did it. It was delicious. It was magical. It was perfect. 

Although I will tell y'all what I put in the actual burger mix, the real beauty here is how to make the perfect patty! Seriously, prepare yourselves....

Burger Mix:
-Ground Meat
-Green Onion
-Salt and Pepper
Mix together in a bowl until combined. 
hamburger, burger patty, perfect hamburger
Alright people, ready for the magic?! I used a Pyrex bowl to mix everything in and then used the same bowl to press the patty into. BAM! The perfect circular patty! Literally the easiest thing on this planet. 
hamburger, burger patty, perfect burger

hamburger, burger patty, perfect burger
I was even thinking that using smaller sized Pyrex bowls, you could make different sized burgers. Obviously. But using the smallest bowl, you could make the easiest sliders of any kind! YUM! 
pyrex bowls
After I made these I was feelin' like a champ. Literally walking out to the grill saying "Not gonna toot my own horn, but I did pretty DANG good on these patties!" And what do I do?! WHAT THE HECK DO I DO?! I dropped the plate. HAHAHA. Go ahead, laugh, because i'm still currently laughing about it. M clearly thought it was comical too because he said "make sure you put in your blog post that you dropped the plate of them." Thanks babe, thanks. 

How do you make your burger patties?!
What's your favorite kind of sliders?

(I am in no way affiliated with Pyrex and all opinions are my own)

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