Okay, here it is. No forewarning on this blog post because i'm just going for it. 

I want to, AND I WILL, start pursuing this blog FULL. TIME. 

Most of you are right now are probably saying "okay, so what?" and clicking that little ex to get out of this blog post. Bye Felicia. 

But little do you know, blogging takes A LOT of work. Unless you're a blogger, then you know. You really really know. 

Really though, lets talkā€¦

Blogging has been a passion of mine for about three years now. I had a "private" blog for about 6 months before I realized I had something special to share and made this here little blog. It's MY corner of the internet. And you know what? I'm proud of it. I'm proud of the things i've accomplished because of it, i'm proud of the content i've created, and i'm proud of the happiness it has brought me. I never knew writing could do this for me. I never imagined writing to be my happy place. 

I'm not crafty. I'm not good at hair. I barely know how to do makeup. The list goes on and on. Half the time I don't even think I'm a good mom or wife. But you know what I do know how to do? Articulate a sentence. And I know how to write. And I absolutely love it. I love that when I am writing, words just flow out of me. (Which makes me sound like I have some sort of sickness, but I promise I don't.) 

I feel like this is the most anti-climactic blog post in the history of posts. But nonetheless, I needed to post it. Not for anyone other than myself, and that's okay. 

So be on the lookout! 
More posts! Fun posts! Stupid posts! Life posts! WHATEVER! 
I am making this blog MINE again and I couldn't be more excited!!

Make sure you're following along our journey on Facebook and Instagram as well! 
Here's to the new adventure of FULL TIME BLOGGING! 


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