Monday, November 9, 2015

All About Essential Oils!

I have such a fun post for you guys today and I can't wait to share it! I've been interested in essential oils for i'd say a little over a year now and I truly love learning about their amazing uses. My friend Jessica is here to guest post today and I am so happy to introduce you all to her! The following post is from her, enjoy! 

You might have recently seen posts about people using essential oils in various ways,
or maybe even know someone who has been using them. 
I started using Young Living oils a few months ago and have had quite a few people ask for more information about what essential oils are and how they can use them in their daily lives. GREAT QUESTION!

First, just a little background about myself so you understand where I am coming from and then we will jump right into the fun stuff. I am a graduate student in a Doctor of Physical Therapy program pursuing a career to make an impact on the health and wellness in the lives of others. I am really passionate about treating our bodies with clean eating, vigorous and empowering workouts, and toxic free substances. When we treat our bodies with love and respect we feel better physically, emotionally, and cognitively. Essential oils have made a huge impact in my life. They’ve helped my fiancĂ© and I with immunity support when we are feeling sick, substituted our cleaning and beauty products that are full of toxins, enhanced our quality of sleep, and have supported our emotional well being!
“HOW?!” you might ask! Well you are in luck because I am going to start with the basics and build from there!

What the heck is an essential oil?
An essential oil is a concentrated hydrophobic liquid (hydrophobic molecules can permeate through your skin and cells easily) containing aroma compounds from a plant—roots, seeds, bark, etc. This specific compound provides vital support and structure to ensure the success and health of its raw plant material. Through a precise steam distillation process and/or cold pressing, the purest essential oils formed are far more powerful than the botanicals from which they were extracted. Although they are recently starting to gain worldwide recognition, their uses are far from new. History tracks back to the use of botanicals as healing agents as early as at least 5,000 years ago!

Why Young Living?
After doing hours of research across the many essential oil companies I was easily sold with Young Living.
*By far have been around the longest, since 1993 and created by a DOCTOR
      *Seed to Seal promise!! (Which means that they own and oversee all of the farms for organic crops. No middle man. No tricks up their sleeves. Just the way I like it!
*They only create 100% therapeutic grade oils which is the highest and purest form. After using them for a few months I can tell a HUGE difference in quality compared to other companies.

How to use them!?

How to get started with essential oils!?
When I first started looking on how to dive into using oils, I felt overwhelmed with how many different varieties there were. A close friend of mine recommended starting with the premium start kit and it was the BEST. DECISION. EVER! It came with the 11 most popular oils, a stress away roller bottle, sample oils, travel bottles, Ningxia to-go energy drinks AND a diffuser of my choice. This kit has been life changing for my fiancĂ© and I and I plan to incorporate YL oils in my day to day for the rest of my life. 
Even better, when I signed up with the starter kit I automatically got WHOLESALE price for life. No catch. They are just that awesome!

If you are interested in getting started with your own kit you can follow the link below. Make sure to choose the WHOLESALE account to receive that discount for life. They also take some personal info from you in case you ever decide to share young living with others…. because we know your friends will want to dive in to oils too!
 (You get a $$ bonus!!)
If you are interested in getting a kit AND becoming a distributor and sharing the powerful benefits of oils with others while making extra money from home…Email me!


  1. Love this post! I have a lot of friends who absolutely love Young Living- I buy doTerra, but I think they're both great companies doing awesome things. Thanks for sharing your expertise! I posted about the same thing on my blog today ;)

